Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to the Greens!

We've been around since August 2006 and yet we've had no online presence. We've created so many great events and programs on campus that explore the progressive side of social and political issues, like:

- A lecture on the Politics of Global Warming by Meigs Scholar Dr. Porter
- A screening of "American Blackout" along with a speech by Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney
- Marching with Dr. Eugene Wilkes, a scholar of habeus corpus, on the loss of habeus corpus
- Inviting speakers from the World Can't Wait
- Screening an episode of 30 Days and discussing the living wage situation for workers
- Expanding the university's awareness of the Green Party

And yet we haven't had an online presence. Imagine that conversation:

Random UGA Guy: Hey you Campus Greens are kinda cool; I liked that time you made hummus and showed The Corporation movie

Zaid: I agree, that was pretty BA, right?

Random UGA Guy: Hey, yeah, of course it was. I was getting kind of tired of getting screwed by a political system held hostage to Big Business and all that, anyway. I'm interested in getting involved in progressive political and social action and putting the country back into the people's hands. Do you guys happen to have a website, maybe a blog?

Zaid: Erm, well, no.

Random UGA Guy: Are you serious? I was planning on joining the grassroots democracy movement that the Green Party and others around the country are fighting for -- but now I think I'll drive home in my inefficient gas SUV, listen to Rush Limbaugh, put 'ol Glenn Beck on the 'tube, and renew my subscription to The Weekly Standard. DAMN, attacking Iraq was a much better idea than I had previously thought!

Zaid: ;_;

Wanting to avoid that, I created this blog to serve not only as a conduit for the UGA Campus Greens, but for any progressive activities happening around campus. After all, we have the Young Democrats, Womens Studies Student Organization (WSSO), Students for Peace Action, World Can't Wait,, the Pagan Students Association, Students for Fair Trade, Students for Environmental Awareness (SEAS), and a host of other groups on this campus who are more than a little PO'd with the state of the country and world.

As for us Greens, we have a few events coming up in the future you might be interested in:

- April 9th, Mayor Heidi Davidson will be coming to speak at our Annual Meeting in SLC room 248 at 5:35 PM (our regular meetings are at room 274 at 5:35 PM on Mondays) to discuss the city and student involvement

- April 20th, we'll be marching with a bevy of other student groups "Beyond Iraq" for peace abroad and justice at home. Noon at the tate center plaza

- Last week of April: we'll be hosting the Palestinian Picture Balata photo exhibit, to feature speakers and issues related to the Palestinian refugee crisis.

I hope you guys come out to all this and have a great time! We're slowly creating a progressive movement on campus that can challenge the well-organized and well-funded antics of the right on campus.

We may be in the Heart of the South, but there's no reason for us to not behave like we are the bleeding-hearts of the South!

I'll leave this first extensive post with a cartoon by Mike Luckovich. Mike came to speak at UGA about a month ago. He spoke about how he was sought for arrest by the UN and tricked Henry Kissinger into letting him escort him to dinner as a Secret Service agent (among other antics). He's a cool guy ^_^

McCain: Not-the-kind-of-Maverick-from-Top-Gun


Adrian Pritchett said...

I'll watch the blog. I'm glad you started it.

Unknown said...

That's a pretty nifty logo. Did you just rip it from somewhere else or did someone we know make it?

Zaid at UGA said...

I think that's the official campus greens logo or something because I see it everywhere the words campus greens is mentioned on the net lol